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    As a central part of the mission of Morehouse College, the Humanities, Social Sciences, Media and Arts (HSSMA) Division develops disciplined men committed to lives of leadership and service through the study of the liberal arts.

    About Humanities, Social Sciences, Media, & the Arts

    • Overview


      As a central part of the mission of Morehouse College, the Humanities, Social Sciences, Media, and Arts (HSSMA) Division develops disciplined men committed to lives of leadership and service through the study of the liberal arts. The goal is to provide all students a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that empowers them to have a transformative college experience, to be successful in a broad array of fields upon completion, and to make impactful contributions to their communities and the world.

      Humanities courses deepen students’ understanding of the complexity of the human condition, cultivate a sense of social responsibility and integrity, and sharpen the ability to think critically and communicate effectively in their professional and personal lives. Social science courses ingrain an awareness of how race, gender, age, language, and national identity shape systems of power, as well as each student’s sense of self and cultural assumptions. A fundamental part of HSSMA’s work is ensuring students can analyze and contextualize a wide range of world events, politics, issues, and urban settings. As an Atlanta University, students also develop strong research abilities and intercultural competencies needed to communicate and engage cross-culturally. Creative and fine arts courses provide a robust educational foundation for the study and practice of the visual and performing arts. 

      The curricula foster the intellectual, analytical, and artistic skills necessary for unique expressions and analyses of creativity from diverse cultural experiences. Moreover, the HSSMA Division is dedicated to instilling in the men of Morehouse respect for and understanding of the diversity of humanity while nurturing self-awareness and appreciation of their own cultures, communities, and individual identities.

    • Departments and Programs

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      Departments and Programs

      Our division includes twelve departments and two programs, including: 

      • Africana Studies and History Department
      • Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies Department
      • Communication Studies Department
      • English Department
      • Journalism in Sports, Social Justice, and Culture Department
      • Leadership Studies Program
      • Modern Foreign Language Department
      • Music Department
      • Philosophy and Religion Department
      • Political Science Department
      • Public History and Historic Preservation
      • Sociology Department
      • Theater and Performance & Dance Majors
      • Urban Studies Program
      • Visual Art Department
    • Majors


    As a central part of the mission of Morehouse College, the Humanities, Social Sciences, Media, and Arts (HSSMA) Division develops disciplined men committed to lives of leadership and service through the study of the liberal arts. The goal is to provide all students a strong foundation of knowledge and skills that empowers them to have a transformative college experience, to be successful in a broad array of fields upon completion, and to make impactful contributions to their communities and the world.

    Humanities courses deepen students’ understanding of the complexity of the human condition, cultivate a sense of social responsibility and integrity, and sharpen the ability to think critically and communicate effectively in their professional and personal lives. Social science courses ingrain an awareness of how race, gender, age, language, and national identity shape systems of power, as well as each student’s sense of self and cultural assumptions. A fundamental part of HSSMA’s work is ensuring students can analyze and contextualize a wide range of world events, politics, issues, and urban settings. As an Atlanta University, students also develop strong research abilities and intercultural competencies needed to communicate and engage cross-culturally. Creative and fine arts courses provide a robust educational foundation for the study and practice of the visual and performing arts. 

    The curricula foster the intellectual, analytical, and artistic skills necessary for unique expressions and analyses of creativity from diverse cultural experiences. Moreover, the HSSMA Division is dedicated to instilling in the men of Morehouse respect for and understanding of the diversity of humanity while nurturing self-awareness and appreciation of their own cultures, communities, and individual identities.

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    Departments and Programs

    Our division includes twelve departments and two programs, including: 

    • Africana Studies and History Department
    • Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies Department
    • Communication Studies Department
    • English Department
    • Journalism in Sports, Social Justice, and Culture Department
    • Leadership Studies Program
    • Modern Foreign Language Department
    • Music Department
    • Philosophy and Religion Department
    • Political Science Department
    • Public History and Historic Preservation
    • Sociology Department
    • Theater and Performance & Dance Majors
    • Urban Studies Program
    • Visual Art Department
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    Meet the Dean

    Regine Jackson, Ph.D. brings years of academic leadership experience to Morehouse, including roles at Agnes Scott College as assistant vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, Sociology and anthropology Department chair, faculty coordinator of global learning, and co-chairing a pandemic instructional planning task force. She has also held leadership appointments at Emory University.

    Meet Our Division Leaders

    Our office is located in Wheeler Hall.

    Dr. Regine Jackson, Division Dean/Professor of Sociology
    Zahria Cook, Assistant to the Dean

    Dr.. Haile Larebo
    Interim Department Chair, Africana Studies and History


    Dr. Stephane Dunn
    Department Chair, Cinema, Television, and Emerging Media Studies (CTEMS)


    Dr. Felicia Stewart
    Department Chair, Communication Studies


    Dr. Alison Ligon
    Interim Department Chair, English


    Dr. Ron Thomas
    Department Chair, Journalism in Sports, Culture, and Social Justice


    Dr. Michael Dillon
    Department Chair, World Languages and Cultures


    Dr. David Morrow
    Department Chair, Music

    Dr. Robert Tanner
    Department Chair, Theater and Performance Dance


    Dr Harold Bennett
    Department Chair, Philosophy and Religion


    Dr. Matthew Platt
    Department Chair, Political Science

    Dr. Ebenezar Aka
    Department Chair, Urban Studies

    Dr. Adria Welcher
    Department Chair, Sociology

    Dr. Maria Korol
    Department Chair, Visual Arts

    Kara Walker
    Director, Human Rights Film Festival
    Robbie Morganfield
    Executive Director, Ida B. Wells Society for Investigative Reporting (IBWS)
    Dr. Cynthia Hewitt
    Chair, International Comparative Labor Studies Program
