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> Procurement
Morehouse Procurement and Contracts
The Morehouse College Office of Procurement and Contract Services is dedicated to supporting the goals of Morehouse College – its educational, fundraising, research, and public service missions. We will dedicate ourselves to procuring and providing quality goods and services at competitive prices and providing responsive and responsible service to all of Morehouse Colleges departments.
Who We Are, What We Do
Procurement is “service oriented” to support the Morehouse campus purchasers with the best procurement practices, negotiation, financial and informational resources; and to provide qualified vendors with open and fair access to Morehouse campus.
We subscribe to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Education Procurement.
Vision Statement -Our Commitment
Our office will be dedicated to providing valued customer service by using procurement and business best practices to improve processes, maximize purchasing effectiveness, and safeguard the College’s resources.
Our team will engage the Morehouse Community with respect and dignity, using a team approach to collaborate.
Our team will communicate, train, and increase the professional development at Morehouse College regarding improved purchasing processes, the procurement policy and procedures, and business best practices, utilizing competitive bidding and contract pricing.
Our team will increase awareness of civic and social responsibility by incorporating concepts such as environmental sustainability and supplier diversity and inclusion into purchasing decisions.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Contact Information:
Email: procurement.support@morehouse.edu
Mailing Address:
Morehouse College
Procurement & Contract Services
830 Westview Drive S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314 -
Doing Business with Morehouse
The Office of Procurement & Contract Services manages a diverse selection of goods and services used by Morehouse College. Our goal is to develop and maintain a diverse pool of vendors that deliver strategic vendor relationships that benefit the Morehouse campus community.
This guide is designed to be used as a handy reference for vendors on how to do business with Morehouse College’s Procurement & Contract Services Office. When properly executed, Morehouse College’s procurement process will benefit both the users at the college and our vendors.
- Vendor Registration- All vendors are required to complete a “New Vendor Registration” package before providing any goods or services to the college.
- Morehouse Purchase Order Terms and Conditions: Shall apply to all contracts or purchase agreements made with Morehouse College and shall prevail and take precedence over any conflicting terms and conditions contained in the vendor’s proposal or quote. Insert PDF copy of T&C document.
- No PO, No Pay
Morehouse College has an active No Purchase Order (PO) No Pay stance with all vendors and contractors providing goods and services. If you are a vendor to the college, please ensure all invoices are submitted for payment to accountspayable@morehouse.edu with a valid PO number. This PO number should be received prior to the delivery of goods and the commencement of services.
Any invoices without an official PO number will be returned to the vendor.
Any questions regarding doing business with Morehouse College should be addressed to the Chief Procurement Officer, 470-639-0427
Internal Morehouse College faculty/staff can access procurement and contract forms here, while external parties should reach out to procurement.support@morehouse.edu to request access to the forms.
Visit Us:
The Procurement & Contract Services Office encourages and welcome vendors to supply their lists of goods and services they provide or manufacture. Vendors are to visit. To schedule a visit with Procurement, please contact the Procurement Office at procurement.support@morehouse.edu.
Procurement & Contract Services Office is located at Suite 2017 Hugh Gloster Building at 830 Westview Drive S.W. Atlanta GA 30314.
Bid & Proposal Opportunities
Request for Proposals
- RFP/RFQ Questionnaire Form
Standard Contract Forms:
How Do I Buy?
Procurement Card
Steps to Obtaining a Morehouse Procurement Card
- Get preliminary approval from a Department Vice President and notify the PCard Administrator
- Complete a Procurement Card Application and Procurement Card Agreement
- Review the procurement card policy in “MyPolicies” portal located in Banner web
- Complete the Procurement Card online training courses.
- Cardholders will receive their card after the completion of the online training and submission of the signed application and procurement card agreement.
Bid Limits
Purchases $10,000.00 or less
For purchases $10,000.00 or less, at least two written price quotes should be received by the College, where practical and where time permits, but a purchase of $10,000.00 or less may be made upon receipt of just one price quote. The quote(s) received must be attached to a requisition. The relevant College Department shall have the responsibility for managing the procurement process.
Purchases from $10,000.01 to $250,000.00
For purchases ranging from $10,000.01 to $250,000.00, at least three written price quotes should be received by the College. A fewer number of price quotes received in response to a request for written quotations will suffice only where reasonable efforts have been made to obtain at least three price quotes and such efforts are documented and retained in the procurement file. All quotes received must be documented and attached to a requisition. The relevant College Department and the Office of Procurement & Contracts shall have joint responsibility for this procurement process. Award shall be made to the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive quotation unless a determination is made in writing that the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive quotation will not provide the best value to the College in which case the contract shall be awarded to the responsible entity that will provide the best value to the College. As used in these Procedures, best value means the highest overall value to the College based on factors that may include but are not limited to price, quality, design, and workmanship. The names of the entities submitting written quotations, as well as the date and amount of each written quotation, shall be recorded and maintained by the Office of Procurement & Contracts.
Purchases Exceeding $250,000.00
For purchases exceeding $250,000.00, a formal procurement process utilizing either an Invitation for Bids (“IFB”) or a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is required. The results of the formal procurement process must be documented on a Bid Form and attached to the requisition. The Office of Procurement & Contracts shall have sole responsibility for this procurement process. Award shall be made to the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive bid in the case of an IFB, or to the responsible entity submitting the responsive proposal determined to be of best value to the College in the case of an RFP. The names of the entities submitting written bids or proposals, as well as the date and amount of each written bid or proposal shall be recorded and maintained by the Office of Procurement & Contracts.
Existing Agreements
The Office of Procurement & Contract Services have many established purchasing agreements that allow you to procure goods and services without bidding. You may order directly from the supplier and receive our discounted prices. Please contact us at procurement.support@morehouse.edu to inquiry about our existing agreements for your upcoming purchase.
Sole Source
Competitive requirements can be waived for College purchases of any amount if the relevant purchasing authority makes a written determination that the good or service to be purchased is only available from one source or vendor. This includes the purchase of a product or service covered by an exclusive license, such as software services. The College having a prior relationship with a vendor does not justify a sole source purchase.
A sole source purchase requires the documenting of a written price/cost justification, which must be approved by the College’s Chief Financial Officer. This justification must document cost analysis efforts such as market research (including screenshots, emails, and/or catalog prices), pricing information obtained from colleagues at peer institutions that have purchased the same or similar items, and prices of similar items.
For sole source purchases to be made with federal funds, the written justification must include a description of why the good or service to be purchased is only available from one source, and an explanation that the awarding federal agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes contracting for the good or service without the receipt of competitive bids or proposals.
Supplier Diversity Program
Morehouse 2026 Commitment
Community – Deliver relevant, accurate information and resources that promote diverse suppliers’ participation in Morehouse College’s procurement opportunities.
Internal Reflection – Educate and engage Morehouse departments in the college’s supplier diversity initiatives.
Beyond Morehouse – Collaborate with state and community partners to create strategies for increasing the utilization of diverse suppliers, particularly minority-owned businesses.
Procurement Training
The Office of Procurement and Contract Services offers a multi-section training program on purchasing activities. All of our training are designed to ensure that the campus community has the opportunity to gain understanding of the College’s procurement processes.
Receiving Goods and Services in Tiger Express
- How to receive goods and services in Tiger Express
Onboarding a New Vendor
- In this training Procurement discuss the process and documentation required for setting up a new vendor
Contract Administration Training
- In this training Procurement discuss the process for executing a contract and closing out a contract with a vendor.
How to Procurement Goods and Services at Morehouse
- In this training session, Procurement discusses the purchasing methods for procuring goods and services at Morehouse.
Procurement Card
- In this training session, Procurement discuss PCard policies, procedures, and provided hands on training for reconciling your month procurement card charges.
Fiscal Year End Planning and Purchasing
- We will discuss fiscal year purchasing planning, important dates, and open purchase orders
- How to receive goods and services in Tiger Express
Scams/Fraudulent Purchase Orders
Morehouse College encourages all vendors to reach out to Procurement & Contract Services team members to verify any orders that a vendor believes might be suspicious. All vendors must be vigilant and protect themselves against fraud.
Scammers are targeting businesses across the U.S. claiming to be placing orders on behalf of Morehouse College. We encourage all suppliers to take precautions so that the supplier does not become a victim of these scams. The scams involve fraudulent/fake purchase orders, or fake requests for quotations, that claim to originate from the College, but are fraudulent. The scammers appear to be located in Ghana.
Please also be aware that some scammers will use legitimate Morehouse addresses when placing the order, and then change the ship-to address after placing the order.
Please note that the scammer might spoof a Morehouse email. So, be sure to check the email’s headers to determine if the email actually came from Morehouse College. Even if the order actually came from a Morehouse email, we recommend that you remain vigilant and call the official Morehouse phone number for the person who claims to be from the Morehouse to verify the order. If the order is unusually large or from a new customer at Morehouse, you can call the Morehouse College Office of Procurement & Contract Services and we can help determine whether the purchase is legitimate.
Contact Us
Contact Information:
Email: procurement.support@morehouse.edu
Mailing Address:
Morehouse College
Procurement & Contract Services
830 Westview Drive S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314Contact Our Team Members
Philmon Thomas
Associate Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
470-639-0427Veronica Brown
Senior Procurement Specialist & Procurement Card Administrator
470-639-0420Evelyn Ledbetter
Procurement Specialist
Procurement is “service oriented” to support the Morehouse campus purchasers with the best procurement practices, negotiation, financial and informational resources; and to provide qualified vendors with open and fair access to Morehouse campus.
We subscribe to the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Education Procurement.
Vision Statement -Our Commitment
Our office will be dedicated to providing valued customer service by using procurement and business best practices to improve processes, maximize purchasing effectiveness, and safeguard the College’s resources.
Our team will engage the Morehouse Community with respect and dignity, using a team approach to collaborate.
Our team will communicate, train, and increase the professional development at Morehouse College regarding improved purchasing processes, the procurement policy and procedures, and business best practices, utilizing competitive bidding and contract pricing.
Our team will increase awareness of civic and social responsibility by incorporating concepts such as environmental sustainability and supplier diversity and inclusion into purchasing decisions.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
Contact Information:
Email: procurement.support@morehouse.edu
Mailing Address:
Morehouse College
Procurement & Contract Services
830 Westview Drive S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314
The Office of Procurement & Contract Services manages a diverse selection of goods and services used by Morehouse College. Our goal is to develop and maintain a diverse pool of vendors that deliver strategic vendor relationships that benefit the Morehouse campus community.
This guide is designed to be used as a handy reference for vendors on how to do business with Morehouse College’s Procurement & Contract Services Office. When properly executed, Morehouse College’s procurement process will benefit both the users at the college and our vendors.
- Vendor Registration- All vendors are required to complete a “New Vendor Registration” package before providing any goods or services to the college.
- Morehouse Purchase Order Terms and Conditions: Shall apply to all contracts or purchase agreements made with Morehouse College and shall prevail and take precedence over any conflicting terms and conditions contained in the vendor’s proposal or quote. Insert PDF copy of T&C document.
- No PO, No Pay
Morehouse College has an active No Purchase Order (PO) No Pay stance with all vendors and contractors providing goods and services. If you are a vendor to the college, please ensure all invoices are submitted for payment to accountspayable@morehouse.edu with a valid PO number. This PO number should be received prior to the delivery of goods and the commencement of services.
Any invoices without an official PO number will be returned to the vendor.
Any questions regarding doing business with Morehouse College should be addressed to the Chief Procurement Officer, 470-639-0427
Internal Morehouse College faculty/staff can access procurement and contract forms here, while external parties should reach out to procurement.support@morehouse.edu to request access to the forms.
Visit Us:
The Procurement & Contract Services Office encourages and welcome vendors to supply their lists of goods and services they provide or manufacture. Vendors are to visit. To schedule a visit with Procurement, please contact the Procurement Office at procurement.support@morehouse.edu.
Procurement & Contract Services Office is located at Suite 2017 Hugh Gloster Building at 830 Westview Drive S.W. Atlanta GA 30314.
Request for Proposals
- RFP/RFQ Questionnaire Form
Standard Contract Forms:
How Do I Buy?
Procurement Card
Steps to Obtaining a Morehouse Procurement Card
- Get preliminary approval from a Department Vice President and notify the PCard Administrator
- Complete a Procurement Card Application and Procurement Card Agreement
- Review the procurement card policy in “MyPolicies” portal located in Banner web
- Complete the Procurement Card online training courses.
- Cardholders will receive their card after the completion of the online training and submission of the signed application and procurement card agreement.
Bid Limits
Purchases $10,000.00 or less
For purchases $10,000.00 or less, at least two written price quotes should be received by the College, where practical and where time permits, but a purchase of $10,000.00 or less may be made upon receipt of just one price quote. The quote(s) received must be attached to a requisition. The relevant College Department shall have the responsibility for managing the procurement process.
Purchases from $10,000.01 to $250,000.00
For purchases ranging from $10,000.01 to $250,000.00, at least three written price quotes should be received by the College. A fewer number of price quotes received in response to a request for written quotations will suffice only where reasonable efforts have been made to obtain at least three price quotes and such efforts are documented and retained in the procurement file. All quotes received must be documented and attached to a requisition. The relevant College Department and the Office of Procurement & Contracts shall have joint responsibility for this procurement process. Award shall be made to the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive quotation unless a determination is made in writing that the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive quotation will not provide the best value to the College in which case the contract shall be awarded to the responsible entity that will provide the best value to the College. As used in these Procedures, best value means the highest overall value to the College based on factors that may include but are not limited to price, quality, design, and workmanship. The names of the entities submitting written quotations, as well as the date and amount of each written quotation, shall be recorded and maintained by the Office of Procurement & Contracts.
Purchases Exceeding $250,000.00
For purchases exceeding $250,000.00, a formal procurement process utilizing either an Invitation for Bids (“IFB”) or a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is required. The results of the formal procurement process must be documented on a Bid Form and attached to the requisition. The Office of Procurement & Contracts shall have sole responsibility for this procurement process. Award shall be made to the responsible entity submitting the lowest responsive bid in the case of an IFB, or to the responsible entity submitting the responsive proposal determined to be of best value to the College in the case of an RFP. The names of the entities submitting written bids or proposals, as well as the date and amount of each written bid or proposal shall be recorded and maintained by the Office of Procurement & Contracts.
The Office of Procurement & Contract Services have many established purchasing agreements that allow you to procure goods and services without bidding. You may order directly from the supplier and receive our discounted prices. Please contact us at procurement.support@morehouse.edu to inquiry about our existing agreements for your upcoming purchase.
Competitive requirements can be waived for College purchases of any amount if the relevant purchasing authority makes a written determination that the good or service to be purchased is only available from one source or vendor. This includes the purchase of a product or service covered by an exclusive license, such as software services. The College having a prior relationship with a vendor does not justify a sole source purchase.
A sole source purchase requires the documenting of a written price/cost justification, which must be approved by the College’s Chief Financial Officer. This justification must document cost analysis efforts such as market research (including screenshots, emails, and/or catalog prices), pricing information obtained from colleagues at peer institutions that have purchased the same or similar items, and prices of similar items.
For sole source purchases to be made with federal funds, the written justification must include a description of why the good or service to be purchased is only available from one source, and an explanation that the awarding federal agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes contracting for the good or service without the receipt of competitive bids or proposals.
Morehouse 2026 Commitment
Community – Deliver relevant, accurate information and resources that promote diverse suppliers’ participation in Morehouse College’s procurement opportunities.
Internal Reflection – Educate and engage Morehouse departments in the college’s supplier diversity initiatives.
Beyond Morehouse – Collaborate with state and community partners to create strategies for increasing the utilization of diverse suppliers, particularly minority-owned businesses.
The Office of Procurement and Contract Services offers a multi-section training program on purchasing activities. All of our training are designed to ensure that the campus community has the opportunity to gain understanding of the College’s procurement processes.
Receiving Goods and Services in Tiger Express
- How to receive goods and services in Tiger Express
Onboarding a New Vendor
- In this training Procurement discuss the process and documentation required for setting up a new vendor
Contract Administration Training
- In this training Procurement discuss the process for executing a contract and closing out a contract with a vendor.
How to Procurement Goods and Services at Morehouse
- In this training session, Procurement discusses the purchasing methods for procuring goods and services at Morehouse.
Procurement Card
- In this training session, Procurement discuss PCard policies, procedures, and provided hands on training for reconciling your month procurement card charges.
Fiscal Year End Planning and Purchasing
- We will discuss fiscal year purchasing planning, important dates, and open purchase orders
Morehouse College encourages all vendors to reach out to Procurement & Contract Services team members to verify any orders that a vendor believes might be suspicious. All vendors must be vigilant and protect themselves against fraud.
Scammers are targeting businesses across the U.S. claiming to be placing orders on behalf of Morehouse College. We encourage all suppliers to take precautions so that the supplier does not become a victim of these scams. The scams involve fraudulent/fake purchase orders, or fake requests for quotations, that claim to originate from the College, but are fraudulent. The scammers appear to be located in Ghana.
Please also be aware that some scammers will use legitimate Morehouse addresses when placing the order, and then change the ship-to address after placing the order.
Please note that the scammer might spoof a Morehouse email. So, be sure to check the email’s headers to determine if the email actually came from Morehouse College. Even if the order actually came from a Morehouse email, we recommend that you remain vigilant and call the official Morehouse phone number for the person who claims to be from the Morehouse to verify the order. If the order is unusually large or from a new customer at Morehouse, you can call the Morehouse College Office of Procurement & Contract Services and we can help determine whether the purchase is legitimate.
Contact Information:
Email: procurement.support@morehouse.edu
Mailing Address:
Morehouse College
Procurement & Contract Services
830 Westview Drive S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30314
Contact Our Team Members
Philmon Thomas
Associate Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Veronica Brown
Senior Procurement Specialist & Procurement Card Administrator
Evelyn Ledbetter
Procurement Specialist