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You Don't Go Through Morehouse. Morehouse Goes Through You.
At Morehouse, you rise to meet the highest expectations. You join a tight-knit, supportive brotherhood. You find lifetime mentors who encourage and challenge you. You do well for yourself. You do good in the world.
We thrive on a vibrant campus life that enriches your student experience in every facet. Immerse yourself in the dynamic fraternity life, where brotherhood extends beyond the academic realm. Our rich history and tradition in Greek life provide you with an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth, leadership development, and a lifelong network of connections. Whether you're interested in joining one of our renowned fraternities, joining student government, or simply participating in their lively events, the fraternity experience at Morehouse College is a cornerstone of your campus life.
Additionally, our students have the chance to engage in a diverse array of clubs and organizations that cater to a spectrum of interests. From academic and professional organizations to cultural and artistic clubs, there's something for everyone. These extracurricular activities not only foster a sense of community but also offer you the chance to pursue your passions outside the classroom. Whether it's taking on a leadership role in a club or contributing to an event, getting involved in these student organizations is a fantastic way for you to make lasting connections and leave your mark on the vibrant Morehouse community.

Campus Alliance for Student Activities
The Campus Alliance for Student Activities plans many events each year in partnership with other organizations at Morehouse and with members of the Atlanta University Consortium.
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Student Government Association (SGA)
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The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official entity in the College’s governance structure that represents all enrolled students at Morehouse College.
Registered Student Organizations
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The Men of Morehouse create community, explore hobbies and career interest, and develop leadership skills via 70 registered student organizations (RSOs) and clubs.
Fraternity Life
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Greek Letter Fraternities and Social Fellowships are extracurricular organizations chartered by Morehouse.

Student Leadership and Talent Development
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The Student Services Office at Morehouse College fosters student success through registered organizations, events, and activities, promoting learning, development, leadership, and character enhancement.
Learn About Activities and Clubs
Campus Alliance for Student Activities
The Campus Alliance for Student Activities plans many events each year in partnership with other organizations at Morehouse and with members of the Atlanta University Consortium. Some of those events include:
Spring Fest
Alcohol, Drug, and Risky Behavior Awareness Week
Disability Awareness Week
Depression Awareness Week
Diversity Awareness Week
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) is the official entity in the College’s governance structure that represents all enrolled students at Morehouse College. SGA is to provide a medium through which students’ concerns may be constructively addressed: To provide Morehouse students with the opportunity to govern themselves; To ensure equality of all students regardless of nationality, race, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression; and to control and direct student activity in concordance with the best interests of the students of Morehouse College.br>The SGA is comprised of Executive, Legislative (Student Senate), and the Judicial (Honor and Conduct Review Board) branches.
Executive Branch: Executive Board
The officers of the Student Government Association shall be those of the Executive Board, which are President, Vice President, and Chief Justice.
Collectively, they
- Uphold the name of Morehouse College
- Enforce the constitution
- Implement changes for the benefit of the student body
Legislative Branch: Student Senate
The Student Senate shall have the authority to:
- Approve or deny any budget proposal initiated by the Executive Branch,Judicial Branch, and recognized student organizations that request funds from the Student Senate.
- Approve or deny appointments to the following: Chief Justice, Chairman of the Elections Committee, Cabinet Members, Attorney General, and Assistant Attorney General & Executive Board Vacancies.
- Initiate Senate Appropriations Budget to be sent to the SGA President for approval.
Judicial Branch: Honor & Conduct Review Board
The officers of the Honor & Conduct Review Board shall be defined as student justices and includes a total of five justices that makes up the Student Court. The Student Court consists of a chief justice and a justice for each class.
The Student Court has the authority to:
Hear and adjudicate the complete case of persons accused of any conduct violations (if justiciable).
Recommend to the Office of Student Conduct & Campus Life to suspend the charter of any class and/or organization upon recommendation of the Executive Office and/or Student Senate,
- Consider recommendations received from the Executive Office and/or Student Senate.
All students enrolled at Morehouse College shall be members of the Student Government Association. The Office of Student Life and Leadership shall serve in an advisory capacity for all branches of the Student Government Association. This body shall have the authority to affect, in a positive, meaningful, and appropriate way, the lives of every student at Morehouse College. The Student Government Association will work with all levels of Morehouse College to ensure a better experience for all its members but shall not be constrained by these levels.
SGA controls and directs student activity in the best interest of Morehouse students. It is closely involved with New Student Orientation, homecoming events, Miss Maroon and White pageant, and other campus events.
Class Council | Executive Board | SGA Elections |
Registered Student Organizations
Morehouse Men become leaders through a residential college experience that includes a campus community teeming with life. Meet and be challenged by people from around the world who come to study at the institutions that make up the Atlanta University Center Consortium—Morehouse College, the Morehouse School of Medicine, Clark Atlanta, and Spelman College.
A Morehouse education gives equal emphasis on intellectualism, social responsibility, and manhood. Lectures, seminars, and conferences, along with a plethora of student organizations, social events, and athletic activities mean that life on campus is always exciting and engaging.
The Men of Morehouse create community, explore hobbies and career interest, and develop leadership skills via 50 recognized student organizations (RSOs) and clubs, each adding to the brotherhood at Morehouse and supports our residential community.
Below are the recognized student organization categories, each has a hyperlink that takes you to the current listing of student organizations in that category, allowing you to learn more and to express interest in joining.
ACADEMIC/PRE-PROFESSIONAL | designed for Men of Morehouse interested in a particular career or academic field who want to establish networks and further develop their skills in that area |
ARTISTIC/CREATIVE | provide scholars the opportunity to join other creatives on campus to express themselves through the arts and other creative mediums |
CULTURAL | provide support and foster community within the various cultures, races, religions, and orientations represented among the student body |
FRATERNAL | social fraternities governed by national organizations, these academic and service-oriented groups work to foster the ideals of friendship and the development of character |
HONORARY | local and national honor societies that provide service and/or leadership opportunities and recognition for students with academic honors |
provide volunteer opportunities for civic-minded students eager to serve the campus and/or community |
SPECIAL INTEREST | provide support to students through a variety of hobbies and interest areas |
encourage participation in and promotion of competitive club team sports |
Fraternity Life
Greek Letter Fraternities and Social Fellowships are extracurricular organizations chartered by Morehouse. We encourage fraternities and social fellowship organizations to fulfill our mission by promoting academic excellence, exercising collegial spirit, celebrating pluralism, recognizing the interdependence of campus organizations, and respecting our community’s dignity. We do not recognize fraternities and social fellowship organizations as secret societies because secrecy is incompatible with our mission to maintain an open exchange of ideas and information. To be classified as a fraternity or social fellowship and operate on campus, organizations must be nationally affiliated and adhere to various rules and regulations we establish. Compliance with our policies, procedures, and regulations supersede any oaths fraternity members may take. We recognize the following Greek Letter organizations:/p>
- Alpha Phi Alpha
- Kappa Alpha Psi
- Omega Psi Phi
- Phi Beta Sigma
- Iota Phi Theta
- Phi Mu Alpha
- Groove Phi Groove
- Pershing Rifles
Fraternity Life is an integral part of student life. Since establishing the first chapter on campus in 1921, our relationship with fraternity chapters developed based upon mutual interests and reciprocal support. Membership in a fraternity can be a positive and educational experience. We support the notion that membership offers an enriched collegiate experience where students become academically, civically, and socially engaged. Morehouse and campus fraternities share a mission to develop rounded individuals. To build a stronger community at Morehouse, fraternity members use the following code of ethics:
- Members treat others as they wish to be treated. They do not physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, or sexually abuse anyone.
- Members strive for academic success and practice academic integrity.
- Members act as role models for the entire Morehouse community.
- Each fraternity chapter provides support for other Morehouse College fraternity chapters and their members at all times.
- Members make ethical decisions and are responsible and accountable, even when faced with difficult choices.
- Members celebrate diversity and accept the differences and beliefs of others.
- Members recognize and support the Morehouse hazing policy.
Code of Conduct
Physical abuse of any kind is prohibited both on and off campus. Examples of physical abuse, commonly known as “hazing,” are paddling, slapping, kicking, choking, scratching, exposure to extreme conditions, sleep-deprivation, and exhaustive physical activities such as jogging, weight-lifting, or aerobic exercise. Verbal and mental abuse of any kind is prohibited. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, the following
- Screaming, belittling, or humiliating participants
- Using derogatory, profane, or obscene language at participants
- Requiring participants to engage in morally degrading or humiliating games or activities that are likely to embarrass and damage their moral code.
Ingesting foreign objects or substances, including alcohol and drugs, is prohibited. Using participants’ vehicles, money, clothes, or other personal property is also strictly prohibited. You may not require participants to engage in any activity that causes the participant to sleep in class, fail to attend class, fail to submit assignments or fail to prepare for examinations, presentations, or other course requirements. We forbid all fraternities and their members from arranging and participating in any hazing activities, including those not listed above. We use the Official Code of Georgia Annotated; Section 16-5-61 Hazing as our guide:
(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
- “Haze” means to subject a student to an activity, which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, regardless of a student’s willingness to participate in such activity.
- “School” means any school, college or university in this state.
- “School organization,” means any club, society, fraternity, sorority or group living together which has students as its principal members.
- “Student” means any person enrolled in school in this state.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or pre-condition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in school organization.
(c) Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravate nature. (Code 1981, 16-5-61, enacted by Ga. L. 1988, p. 694. 1: Ga. L. 1990,1).
In addition to criminal penalties, chapters and individual fraternity members who participate in hazing will be subject to disciplinary action by Morehouse.
Student Leadership and Talent Development
The Office of Student Services supports the mission of Morehouse College and the retention, progression, and graduation of men by providing opportunities through registered student organizations and student life sponsored activities that are designed to cultivate learning, improve student development, career readiness, provide leadership opportunities, compliment academic programs, and enhance character development. Through the Department of Student Leadership and Talent Development and its activities, collaborations with students, faculty, staff, and community leaders to promote analytical and critical thinking, build interpersonal skills, offer opportunities for creative expression, and recognize and address current trends while preparing to become servant leaders through exploratory leadership, personal, and career development. The OSL will be proactive partners with students, faculty, and staff in building community and enhancing student learning. We will be:
- Experts in experiential education, providing students with opportunities to acquire, apply, adapt, and reflect on skills, attitudes, and talents for life.
- Known for producing competent Leaders who contribute to positive social change on and off campus.
- Committed to empowering a wide range of responsive and responsible student organizations providing cultural, social, athletic, academic and community service activities.
- Effective guides for students as they explore who they are and how they relate to others.
- Focused on providing a learning environment in which diversity and the open and honest expression of different views is expected and respected.
- Supported by a physical environment that is attractive, welcoming, user-friendly and meets the needs of the campus community.
- Recognized for quality student service, which contributes to retention.
- Models of the kind of campus, community, and world citizens we expect our students to become.
The OSL aligns with the college’s mission is to develop men with disciplined minds who will lead lives of leadership and service. Using the Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) in Higher Education’s six domains of learning and development (2009), which include knowledge acquisition, construction, integration, and application; cognitive complexity; intrapersonal development; interpersonal competence, humanitarianism and civic engagement; and practical competence the OSL will promote the personal and intellectual growth of students through co-curricular leadership development opportunities via the Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) leadership certificate program, Student Leadership Institute, and the Maurice Washington Emerging Leaders Program (sponsored by JP Morgan Chase).
“It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach.”
Benjamin E. Mays | President of Morehouse College from 1940 to 1967