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    Frequently Asked Questions


    Who Does the Office of General Counsel Represent? 

    The Office of General Counsel acts as the legal advisor exclusively for Morehouse College and its official components, including all departments, faculty, and staff when acting in their professional roles. Our responsibility is to safeguard the College's legal interests, navigating through compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Whether advising on contract negotiations, interpreting legal obligations, or representing the College in legal proceedings, our office ensures that Morehouse College adheres to the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct. 

    Can Employees and Students Receive Personal Legal Advice? 

    Our office focuses on institutional matters and cannot provide personal legal advice or represent individuals in personal legal issues. However, we do guide faculty and students on where to seek personal legal assistance and offer general resources for understanding their rights and responsibilities under the law, particularly as they relate to their engagement with the College. 

    What Should I Do If Contacted by an Attorney or Government Agency? 

    If contacted regarding a College matter, refer the attorney or agency to the Office of General Counsel. Do not engage in discussions or share information without consultation. For subpoenas or legal requests, immediate contact with the Office is crucial for proper guidance and response. 

    What Guidance is Available for Employment and Labor Issues? 

     The Office, in collaboration with the Human Resources Department, provides comprehensive advice on employment and labor law issues such as hiring practices, fair labor standards, workplace safety, employee benefits, and labor relations. This includes interpreting relevant laws and regulations, advising on the College's policies and procedures, and ensuring that employment practices comply with legal standards. 

    How Does the College Address Discrimination and Harassment? 

    Morehouse College is committed to maintaining a workplace and academic environment free from discrimination and harassment. We implement and enforce policies that prohibit any form of discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. Individuals who believe they have been subjected to such behavior are encouraged to report these incidents. The Office provides guidance on the College's procedures for addressing these reports, ensuring a thorough investigation and appropriate response. 

    How Are College Policies Developed and Reviewed? 

    The development and review of College policies is a collaborative process that involves input from various stakeholders within the Morehouse College community, including faculty, staff, and students. Our office plays a key role in drafting policies, ensuring they are legally sound, and align with the College's mission and values. We also ensure policies comply with relevant laws and regulations and conduct regular reviews to keep policies up-to-date. 

    What Role Does the Office Play in College Governance and Board Affairs? 

    The Office of General Counsel advises the College's Board of Trustees and administration on governance matters, ensuring that College operations are conducted in accordance with governance documents and applicable laws. This includes advising on the legal implications of strategic decisions, bylaws, and policies, and ensuring compliance with regulatory and accreditation standards. 

    How Does the Office Manage Contracts and Intellectual Property? 

    All contracts involving Morehouse College must be reviewed by our office to ensure they meet legal standards and serve the College's best interests. This includes contracts for goods and services, academic partnerships, and technology agreements. Regarding intellectual property, we advise on the protection and licensing of the College's intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, ensuring that the creative and scholarly output of faculty and students is appropriately protected and utilized. 

    Who is Authorized to Sign Contracts and Documents Binding on the College? 

    Individuals must not sign contracts or legally binding documents on behalf of the College without explicit authority as granted by the President or the Board of Trustees. The Office of General Counsel works with the Procurement Department to ensure that all contracts are properly authorized and approved. 

    Why is it important for my contract to be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel 

    The review of contracts by the Office of General Counsel (OGC) is essential for ensuring legal compliance, managing risks, and maintaining fairness and consistency with Morehouse College's values. The OGC's legal expertise helps interpret and negotiate terms, safeguarding the College from potential liabilities and ensuring that agreements are in the institution's best interest. This process is crucial for protecting the College's integrity and interests in all contractual engagements. 

    What is the Process for Handling Legal Disputes and Litigation? 

    Our office oversees the management of all legal disputes and litigation involving the College. This includes assessing the risk and implications of potential litigation, managing outside counsel, and developing strategies to defend the College's interests. We strive to resolve disputes through negotiation and mediation wherever possible but are prepared to litigate when necessary to protect the College's rights and interests. 

    How Are Student Rights and Records Handled? 

    In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other applicable laws, Morehouse College protects the privacy of student education records. Our office advises on compliance with FERPA, including responding to requests for information and managing the release of student records. We also provide guidance on student rights and responsibilities, ensuring that students understand their rights under the law and the College's policies. 

    This page is intended to serve as a resource to enhance understanding and compliance with the attorney-client privilege at Morehouse College. It is not a substitute for professional legal advice.