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Crown Forum is a communal tradition that is mandatory for all students and that extends from the 19th century founding of the School to the 21st-century Institution of today. The spiritual core of Crown Forum provides a grounding space where students are connected to and develop their dynamic humanity.
New Student Orientation (NSO) at Morehouse College is a week of exciting, enriching, stimulating, and life-changing experiences designed to prepare new students for life as a student at the only HBCU for Black men.

The Morehouse College Human Rights Film Festival (MCHRFF) is an exciting opportunity to engage the College and connect with filmmakers, humanitarians, social justice organizations, and festival attendees from all over the world.

Morehouse-Spelman Homecoming Week. The Morehouse Homecoming is one of Atlanta’s most anticipated events and a time of reconnection, renewal, and rejuvenation for Morehouse and Spelman alumni. We are also happy to open our campus to our friends and supporters as we highlight a legacy that transcends generations and stretches back from our current students to our ...

The Morehouse-Spelman Christmas Carol Concert is a world-renowned concert that historically marks the start of the holiday season for the Atlanta community through celebration and song.

The Annual Morehouse College Martin Luther King Commemoration is a multicultural experience designed to educate the world on his historical and contemporary impact, engage the global community on issues of equity, and celebrate his legacy.

Founder's Week. We celebrate the anniversary of our founding and hold our “A Candle in the Dark” Gala which has become one of the nation’s premier events that to celebrate African American achievement and raise much-needed scholarship funds for deserving students. This exceptional evening of elegance and accomplishment has honored more than 221 luminaries over the past 34 ...

The Dream Makers Summit is a Morehouse College Signature Event showcasing Student Excellence in scholarship, creativity, and innovation. This annual event will be a day of scholarly engagement as Morehouse students showcase research, creative productions, and innovations.

Commencement. Each year Morehouse College hosts a ceremony to honor students who have qualified for graduation. Held at the Century Campus, our original campus quadrangle and green bordered by many of our oldest and most revered buildings, this ceremony marks an important ascension for students as they elevate from being Men of Morehouse to Morehouse Men.