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Sherrhonda R. Gibbs, Ph.D.
Morehouse College
Business and Economics Division
- Dean, Division of Business and Economics
- Professor
Grambling State University
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
Winona State University
Master of Business Administration
Jackson State University
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration with a Concentration in Management (Entrepreneurship)
About Dr. Sherrhonda Gibbs
Dr. SherRhonda Gibbs is dean and professor in the Division of Business and Economics.
Dr. SherRhonda “Sher” Gibbs became dean of the Division of Business and Economics at Morehouse College on July 1, 2022. Previously, she served as Dean of the Monfort College of Business at the University of Northern Colorado (UNCO). Prior to joining UNC, Dr. Gibbs was associate dean of accreditation and analytics, and interim director of the University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) School of Management, the largest school in the College of Business. During her 12-year tenure at USM, she held the Alvin Williams Endowed Chair of Minority Entrepreneurship, was promoted and tenured.
In addition to administrative leadership positions, Gibbs is a serial entrepreneur whose started multiple businesses while having twenty years of academic experience which includes serving on the faculty at Jackson State University and spearheading entrepreneurial initiatives. Prior to entering academe, Dr. Gibbs was a software engineer and held professional positions with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and at IBM.
Her research focuses on entrepreneurship related to recognizing opportunities, social psychological perspectives, and among black and women entrepreneurs. She is a faculty fellow for the Direct Selling Education Foundation, and served as director at large, minority and women social interest group chair, and senior vice president of Membership for the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). From 2018 to 2020, Dr. Gibbs served as associate editor of Management Decision. In 2019, Dr. Gibbs received the Changemaker award in Entrepreneurship Education from Diana International (based out of Babson College). In 2022, she was also recognized for her work and advocacy in advancing women and minority entrepreneurship and was inducted into the prestigious Longenecker Fellows by the USASBE organization (see https://www.usasbe.org/page/fellows).
Gibbs earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in Management from Jackson State University, while also completing masters certification in Technology Transfer and Commercialization from California State University at San Bernardino. She holds an MBA from Winona State University, and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Grambling State University.
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, Black and women entrepreneurs, task-specific efficacy, affect, work/life balance, knowledge workers, career choice, organizational behavior, small business and technology adoption, and technology entrepreneurship. -
- Sequeira, J.M., Weeks, K., Bell, M., and R. Gibbs (2018). “Making the case for diversity as a strategic business tool in small firm survival and success”, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 28(3), 31-47.
- Gibbs, S. R., Singh, R. P., Butler, J.S., and C. Scott (2018). “The role of networking, entrepreneurial environments, and support systems in the creation, survival and success of ventures founded by minority, women, and immigrant entrepreneurs”, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 21(2), 74-80.
- Sequeira, J. M., Gibbs, S. R., and N. Juma (2016). Factors Contributing to Women’s Venture Success in Developing Countries: an Exploratory Analysis, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 21(1), 31 pages.
- Lane, F., and R. Gibbs (2015). “Propensity score analysis: a secondary data analysis of work-life policy and performance”, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17(2).
- Burgess, B., Yaoyuneyong, G., and R. Gibbs (2014). “Self-Construal and Gender Differences in Impulse Buying Behavior of Young Thai Consumers,” Asian Journal of Business Research
- Gibbs, S. R. (2014). “The Bitter Truth: a Comparative Analysis of Black Male and Black Female Entrepreneurs,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 19(1), 18 pages.
- Singh, R. P., and R. Gibbs (2014). “Opportunity Recognition Processes of Black Entrepreneurs,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 26(6), 643-649.
- Gibbs, S. R. (2009). “Exploring the Influence of Task Specific Self-Efficacy on Opportunity Recognition Perceptions and Behaviors”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 29(6): 1-15.
- Gibbs, S. R., Sequeira, J. and M. White. (2007). “Social Networks and Technology Adoption in Small Business,” International Journal of Globalization and Small Business, 2(1): 66-87.
- Rana, D. and Gibbs, S. R. (2006). “Analyzing Role of Operations Research Models in Banking”, The Business Research Yearbook, XIII, 112 – 117.
- Thiagarajan, P. and Gibbs, S. R. (2005). “Effects of Flexible Working Arrangements on Role Overload, Burnout and Job Satisfaction in Information Technology Professionals.” The E-Business Review, V, 233-236.
- Inducted into USASBE’s Longenecker Fellows (January 2022)
- Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year, (Diana International, June 2019)
- Innovation in Online Teaching Award (University of Southern Mississippi, 2018)
- Volunteer of the Year, Best Competitive Research Panel, MWE Professor of the Year (USASBE, 2018)
- Best Conceptual Paper (Direct Selling Education Foundation, 2018)
- Delta Sigma Pi, Faculty Inductee, 2014
- Faculty Service Award – USM College of Business, 2014
- Distinguished Research Award – Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 2013
- Nominated for IHL Black Educator of the Year, 2013
- Featured on USM website for Live-Reach-Achieve campaign, 2012
- Emerging Minority Business Leaders Program. Facilitator. 3rd place team. 2010 & 2011, West Liberty University
- Service Award – Jackson State University Department of Entrepreneurship
- Arnon Reichers Best Doctoral Student Paper Award – AOM Careers Division
- Project Initiator and Director, JSU’s Student Entrepreneurs Fast Pitch
Competition - NAFEO Integrated Technology Transfer Network Fellowship Recipient – California State University – San
Bernardino (CSUSB 2006) - Emerging Minority Business Leaders (EMBL) Summer Institute participant June 2005, West Virginia High
Technology Consortium, West Liberty State College, Wheeling, WV
– Won team launch plan competition
– Given Kenneth Jordan Award of Excellence for Leadership
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, Black and women entrepreneurs, task-specific efficacy, affect, work/life balance, knowledge workers, career choice, organizational behavior, small business and technology adoption, and technology entrepreneurship.PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS
- Sequeira, J.M., Weeks, K., Bell, M., and R. Gibbs (2018). “Making the case for diversity as a strategic business tool in small firm survival and success”, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 28(3), 31-47.
- Gibbs, S. R., Singh, R. P., Butler, J.S., and C. Scott (2018). “The role of networking, entrepreneurial environments, and support systems in the creation, survival and success of ventures founded by minority, women, and immigrant entrepreneurs”, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 21(2), 74-80.
- Sequeira, J. M., Gibbs, S. R., and N. Juma (2016). Factors Contributing to Women’s Venture Success in Developing Countries: an Exploratory Analysis, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 21(1), 31 pages.
- Lane, F., and R. Gibbs (2015). “Propensity score analysis: a secondary data analysis of work-life policy and performance”, Advances in Developing Human Resources, 17(2).
- Burgess, B., Yaoyuneyong, G., and R. Gibbs (2014). “Self-Construal and Gender Differences in Impulse Buying Behavior of Young Thai Consumers,” Asian Journal of Business Research
- Gibbs, S. R. (2014). “The Bitter Truth: a Comparative Analysis of Black Male and Black Female Entrepreneurs,” Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. 19(1), 18 pages.
- Singh, R. P., and R. Gibbs (2014). “Opportunity Recognition Processes of Black Entrepreneurs,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 26(6), 643-649.
- Gibbs, S. R. (2009). “Exploring the Influence of Task Specific Self-Efficacy on Opportunity Recognition Perceptions and Behaviors”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 29(6): 1-15.
- Gibbs, S. R., Sequeira, J. and M. White. (2007). “Social Networks and Technology Adoption in Small Business,” International Journal of Globalization and Small Business, 2(1): 66-87.
- Rana, D. and Gibbs, S. R. (2006). “Analyzing Role of Operations Research Models in Banking”, The Business Research Yearbook, XIII, 112 – 117.
- Thiagarajan, P. and Gibbs, S. R. (2005). “Effects of Flexible Working Arrangements on Role Overload, Burnout and Job Satisfaction in Information Technology Professionals.” The E-Business Review, V, 233-236.
- Inducted into USASBE’s Longenecker Fellows (January 2022)
- Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year, (Diana International, June 2019)
- Innovation in Online Teaching Award (University of Southern Mississippi, 2018)
- Volunteer of the Year, Best Competitive Research Panel, MWE Professor of the Year (USASBE, 2018)
- Best Conceptual Paper (Direct Selling Education Foundation, 2018)
- Delta Sigma Pi, Faculty Inductee, 2014
- Faculty Service Award – USM College of Business, 2014
- Distinguished Research Award – Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 2013
- Nominated for IHL Black Educator of the Year, 2013
- Featured on USM website for Live-Reach-Achieve campaign, 2012
- Emerging Minority Business Leaders Program. Facilitator. 3rd place team. 2010 & 2011, West Liberty University
- Service Award – Jackson State University Department of Entrepreneurship
- Arnon Reichers Best Doctoral Student Paper Award – AOM Careers Division
- Project Initiator and Director, JSU’s Student Entrepreneurs Fast Pitch
Competition - NAFEO Integrated Technology Transfer Network Fellowship Recipient – California State University – San
Bernardino (CSUSB 2006) - Emerging Minority Business Leaders (EMBL) Summer Institute participant June 2005, West Virginia High
Technology Consortium, West Liberty State College, Wheeling, WV
– Won team launch plan competition
– Given Kenneth Jordan Award of Excellence for Leadership