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Hideko Sera, PsyD
Administrative Services
- Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Adler University
Doctor of Psychology, Clinical Psychology
Adler University
Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology
Contact Information
Office Location
Massey Leadership Building, Rm 426
Office Hours
by Appointment Only
About Dr. Sera
Dr. Hideko Sera is Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.
Dr. Hideko Sera is Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at Morehouse College. During 20+ years of career in higher education and psychology, as a bilingual female faculty and administrator of color, she has taught, trained, and federally advocated for health equity and educational and social justice for systemically minoritized communities. Previously, Dr. Sera has held faculty and administrative positions at professional schools and served as Associate Dean of the School of Education at a comprehensive university, a Hispanic Serving Institution/HSI, focusing on student success, students of color, and first-generation students.
Dr. Sera has received numerous recognitions, including the Cynthia D. Belar Education Advocacy Distinguished Service Award and the 2021 Presidential Citation, both from the American Psychological Association/APA, specifically for her work with historically underrepresented communities. A selected member of the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology/LIWP, a Fellow of the American Conference of Academic Deans, a board member of the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology, and an advisory board member of the New Leadership Academy Fellows Program at the University of Utah, Dr. Sera has been an active voice in higher education and training to garner support and solutions for challenges faced by systemically minoritized students, faculty, and staff.
Dr. Sera has presented nationally and internationally and published in psychology and higher education on clinical supervision, mentorship and mentoring relationships, and antiracism. She chaired the Ethnic and Racial Diversity Committee for multiple years and became the 2015 President of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology/NCSPP.
Dr. Sera completed two terms on the APA Board of Educational Affairs/BEA. She serves on the Training Advisory Committee of the APA Minority Fellowship Program, one of the most prominent resources for psychology graduate students of color in the United States. In January 2024, Dr. Sera began her term as a Member-at-Large on the APA Board of Directors - a nationally elected position.
Areas of Expertise
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (ethnic/racial diversity, LGBTQIA+, gender, gender identity, disability/abilities, SES, veterans challenges, etc.)
- Mentorship and mentoring relationships
- Immigrant, refugee, and asylee mental health
- Educational disparities and educational justice
- Leadership development for female academic administrators of color
- Federal advocacy
- Individual/Adlerian Psychology's applications in non-English and non-German contexts
- American Psychological Association
Board of Directors: Member-at-Large - American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program (MFP)
Training Advisory Committee Member - American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology
Board of Directors - New Leadership Academy at the University of Utah
Advisory Board Member - American Conference of Academic Dean
2020 Fellow
- American Psychological Association
Awards and Honors
- 2021 American Psychological Association Presidential Citation
- Adler University Distinguished Alumni Award
- Cynthia D. Belar Education Advocacy Distinguished Services Award (American Psychological Association)
Publications and Presentations: Domestic
Fuertes, J., Goodyear, R. K., Sera, H., Cruz Oliviera, J. T. T., Greaves, A., Hand, A., & Levit, H. M. (2023). The client in psychotherapy: Representing the client as an expert and an important contributor to treatment. Structured Discussion at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Dublin, Ireland.
Sera, H. (2023). The Challenges of Managing Power Differences and Role Changes in Mentoring Relationships: Voices From the Field. In G. Correy, C. Correy., & M. Schneider Correy (Eds.), Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (11th edition). Cenage Learning.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2023). The Paradox of Leadership Pipelines for People of Color: New Frameworks for the Twenty-First Century. Selected Presentation at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. San Francisco, California.
Sera, H. (2023). Application of Adlerian Approach to School. In G. Correy (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (11th edition). Cengage Learning.
Sera, H., & Brown, K. T. (2023). The Critical Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Higher Education. A. Adams (Ed.), Resource Manual for Academic Deans for the American Conference of Academic Deans (4th edition). Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland.
Goodyear, R. K., & Sera, H. (2022). Clients' Influence on Therapists. In J. Fuentes (Ed.), The Other Side of Psychotherapy: Understanding Clients' Experiences and Contributions in Treatment. American Psychological Association Publication. Washington, D.C.
Jimenez, J., Higa-Seaver, T., Sera, H., Panaligan, D., & Gong, G. L. (2022). Education and Mental Health. Presented for the Center for Asian Pacific American Women Workshop. Virtual.
Sera, H., & Johnson, W. B. (2022). Mentoring. In N. J. Kaslow & A. N. Ponce (Eds.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (2nd ed): Vol 2. Professional Issues (pp. 150-159). Elsevier.
Sera, H. (2022). Commitment to Inclusive Leadership. Presented at The General C-Suite Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Workshop. Virtual.
Sera, H., Lavariega Monforti, J., Orlando, P. J., Testori, P. A., & Parker, R. L. (2022). Commitments to Institutional Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice in a Turbulent Higher Education Landscape: Diverse Perspectives from the 2020 ACAD Fellows. Presented at the 2022 American Conference of Academic Deans National Conference. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Finlay, M., Sera, H., & Goodyear, R. K. (2021). A Descriptive Study of Factors Related to How Supervisors and Supervisees Identify and Respond to Supervisee Countertransference. Presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Washington, D.C.
Sera, H. (2021). Mental Health, Equity, and Return to School: Higher Education. Presented at the Higher Education Academic Leaders Panel. Virtual.
Sera, H., & Wall, A. F. (2021). Ichigo Ichie: How Impactful Racial Justice and Transformational Changes Begin with the Urgency of Making Each Encounter Meaningful in Higher Education. In C-M Reneau & M.A. Villarreal (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Leading Higher Education Transformation with Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion. IGI Global Book.
Sera, H. (2020). COVID-19's Effects on Supervision Practice Now and Into the Future: An International Perspective. Keynote Panel Presentation at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Virtual.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2020). Administrators of Color Navigating the Challenge of Leadership. Selected Presentation at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.
Sera, H., Nguyen, D., Wood, N., Grammer, K., Yorgesen, Y. (2019). Commitment to Holistic Connections: Building Intentional Connection with Key University Constituents to Promote Graduate Student Success. Presented at the Annual VI Conference for the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Portland, Oregon.
Moore, S., Benvenuti, L., Sera. H., … (2019). Using GIS to Evaluate the Educational Justice of Student Teaching Placements. Presented at the ESRI User Conference Education Summit. San Diego, California.
Goodyear, R. K., & Sera, H. (2019). Supervising the Development and Sustaining of the Working Alliance. In Jairo N. Fuertes (Ed.), Working Alliance Skills for Mental Health Professionals. Oxford Press. London, United Kingdom.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2019). Millennial/Gen Z Students of Color and Racial Justice: How Administrators of Color Are Working Across Generations. Presented at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Atlanta, Georgia.
Potter, L. T., Brown, K. B., & Sera, H. (2018). Through the Looking Glass: Leadership Lessons on Negotiating Race and Identity in the 21st Century Academy. Selected Workshop for the American Conference of Academic Deans. Washington, D.C.
Johnson, W. B., Jensen, K. C., Sera, H., & Cimbora, D. (2018). Ethics and Relational Dialectics in Mentoring Relationships. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Vol 12(1).
Sera, H., & Howard, N. R. (2018). Reclaiming Intersectionality: Critical Perspectives and Voices of Women of Color in Academia. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, California.
Borden, K., Newman, G., Sera, H., & Ginsburg, A. (2017). Symposium. Challenges to Teaching Advocacy in a Complex Political Climate Advocacy by Diverse Graduate Students: Mentorship to Gain Voices. Presented at the 40th National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology Annual Mid-Winter Conference. Long Beach, California.
Globerman, S., Paracios, D. P., Sera, H., …., & Szajner, K. (2016). Promoting Family and Community Mental Health through Pragmatic Grassroots Advocacy. Presented at the Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Convention. Plymouth, Minnesota.
Khang, M., & Sera, H. (2016). An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Fatalism, Locus of Control, and Hmong Individuals with Alcohol-Related Offenses. Presented at the International Conference on Hmong Studies. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Sera, H. (2016). Presidential Address: Mentorship as Another Competency: Reflections on Complex Trajectories of Mentoring Relationships. Presented at the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology Annual Mid-Winter Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.
Cardoso, E., de la Plata, C. D., Holland, D., Sera, H., Qualls, D., & Vega, M. (2016). Perceptions of Multicultural Competency among Psychologists Who Serve People with Disabilities. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Dallas, Texas.
Vega, M., Sera. H., Cardoso., E., Qualls, D., & de la Plata, C. D. (2015). Perceptions of Multicultural Competency among Psychologists Who Serve People with Disabilities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vol 96(10), October.
Robinson, T., & Sera, H. (2002). Anger Management Based on Adlerian Conceptualization. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Sera, H. (2001). Social Interest Assessment with Japanese and Nisei Populations. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Tucson, Arizona.
Publications and Presentations: International
Invited Presentation
Globerman, S., & Sera, H. (2017). Critical Investigation of Unique Therapeutic Setting When Working with People Who Experience Homelessness. Presented at the UNESCO. Paris, France.
Sera, H., Brown, K. T., El-Ghorury, N. H., & Jackson, J. S. (2016). Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency in Education, Training and Workplace in the United States: Undergraduate, Graduate (National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology), and Organization (American Psychological Association). Presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Yokohama, Japan.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (2009). The Main Concepts of Professional Psychology Doctorate Process: Can This Be Duplicated in Japan? Presented at the Osaka City University. Osaka, Japan.
Invited Keynote
Sera, H. (1998). An Overview on Individual Psychology: How to Utilize Adler's Teaching in Non-Western Societies. Presented at the Japan Individual Psychology Annual Conference. Yokohama, Japan.
Invited Workshop
Sera, H. (1998). Principles of Individual Psychology: Western and Eastern Perspectives. Presented at the Osaka Adler Guild Association. Osaka, Japan.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1997). Influences of Multicultural Dimensions on Lifestyle and Social Interest. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1997). The Use of Adlerian Psychology with Criminal Population. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1996). Understanding the Meaning of Social Interest from a Japanese Perspective. Presented at the International Association of Individual Psychology. Oxford University. Oxford, England.
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion (ethnic/racial diversity, LGBTQIA+, gender, gender identity, disability/abilities, SES, veterans challenges, etc.)
- Mentorship and mentoring relationships
- Immigrant, refugee, and asylee mental health
- Educational disparities and educational justice
- Leadership development for female academic administrators of color
- Federal advocacy
- Individual/Adlerian Psychology's applications in non-English and non-German contexts
- American Psychological Association
Board of Directors: Member-at-Large - American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program (MFP)
Training Advisory Committee Member - American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology
Board of Directors - New Leadership Academy at the University of Utah
Advisory Board Member - American Conference of Academic Dean
2020 Fellow
- 2021 American Psychological Association Presidential Citation
- Adler University Distinguished Alumni Award
- Cynthia D. Belar Education Advocacy Distinguished Services Award (American Psychological Association)
Fuertes, J., Goodyear, R. K., Sera, H., Cruz Oliviera, J. T. T., Greaves, A., Hand, A., & Levit, H. M. (2023). The client in psychotherapy: Representing the client as an expert and an important contributor to treatment. Structured Discussion at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Dublin, Ireland.
Sera, H. (2023). The Challenges of Managing Power Differences and Role Changes in Mentoring Relationships: Voices From the Field. In G. Correy, C. Correy., & M. Schneider Correy (Eds.), Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (11th edition). Cenage Learning.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2023). The Paradox of Leadership Pipelines for People of Color: New Frameworks for the Twenty-First Century. Selected Presentation at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. San Francisco, California.
Sera, H. (2023). Application of Adlerian Approach to School. In G. Correy (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy (11th edition). Cengage Learning.
Sera, H., & Brown, K. T. (2023). The Critical Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Higher Education. A. Adams (Ed.), Resource Manual for Academic Deans for the American Conference of Academic Deans (4th edition). Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, Maryland.
Goodyear, R. K., & Sera, H. (2022). Clients' Influence on Therapists. In J. Fuentes (Ed.), The Other Side of Psychotherapy: Understanding Clients' Experiences and Contributions in Treatment. American Psychological Association Publication. Washington, D.C.
Jimenez, J., Higa-Seaver, T., Sera, H., Panaligan, D., & Gong, G. L. (2022). Education and Mental Health. Presented for the Center for Asian Pacific American Women Workshop. Virtual.
Sera, H., & Johnson, W. B. (2022). Mentoring. In N. J. Kaslow & A. N. Ponce (Eds.), Comprehensive Clinical Psychology (2nd ed): Vol 2. Professional Issues (pp. 150-159). Elsevier.
Sera, H. (2022). Commitment to Inclusive Leadership. Presented at The General C-Suite Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leadership Workshop. Virtual.
Sera, H., Lavariega Monforti, J., Orlando, P. J., Testori, P. A., & Parker, R. L. (2022). Commitments to Institutional Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice in a Turbulent Higher Education Landscape: Diverse Perspectives from the 2020 ACAD Fellows. Presented at the 2022 American Conference of Academic Deans National Conference. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Finlay, M., Sera, H., & Goodyear, R. K. (2021). A Descriptive Study of Factors Related to How Supervisors and Supervisees Identify and Respond to Supervisee Countertransference. Presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Washington, D.C.
Sera, H. (2021). Mental Health, Equity, and Return to School: Higher Education. Presented at the Higher Education Academic Leaders Panel. Virtual.
Sera, H., & Wall, A. F. (2021). Ichigo Ichie: How Impactful Racial Justice and Transformational Changes Begin with the Urgency of Making Each Encounter Meaningful in Higher Education. In C-M Reneau & M.A. Villarreal (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Leading Higher Education Transformation with Social Justice, Equity, and Inclusion. IGI Global Book.
Sera, H. (2020). COVID-19's Effects on Supervision Practice Now and Into the Future: An International Perspective. Keynote Panel Presentation at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision. Virtual.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2020). Administrators of Color Navigating the Challenge of Leadership. Selected Presentation at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.
Sera, H., Nguyen, D., Wood, N., Grammer, K., Yorgesen, Y. (2019). Commitment to Holistic Connections: Building Intentional Connection with Key University Constituents to Promote Graduate Student Success. Presented at the Annual VI Conference for the Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Portland, Oregon.
Moore, S., Benvenuti, L., Sera. H., … (2019). Using GIS to Evaluate the Educational Justice of Student Teaching Placements. Presented at the ESRI User Conference Education Summit. San Diego, California.
Goodyear, R. K., & Sera, H. (2019). Supervising the Development and Sustaining of the Working Alliance. In Jairo N. Fuertes (Ed.), Working Alliance Skills for Mental Health Professionals. Oxford Press. London, United Kingdom.
Hunter, M., Sera, H., Hernandez, M., & Villareal, M. A. (2019). Millennial/Gen Z Students of Color and Racial Justice: How Administrators of Color Are Working Across Generations. Presented at the Annual National Conference for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Atlanta, Georgia.
Potter, L. T., Brown, K. B., & Sera, H. (2018). Through the Looking Glass: Leadership Lessons on Negotiating Race and Identity in the 21st Century Academy. Selected Workshop for the American Conference of Academic Deans. Washington, D.C.
Johnson, W. B., Jensen, K. C., Sera, H., & Cimbora, D. (2018). Ethics and Relational Dialectics in Mentoring Relationships. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Vol 12(1).
Sera, H., & Howard, N. R. (2018). Reclaiming Intersectionality: Critical Perspectives and Voices of Women of Color in Academia. Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, California.
Borden, K., Newman, G., Sera, H., & Ginsburg, A. (2017). Symposium. Challenges to Teaching Advocacy in a Complex Political Climate Advocacy by Diverse Graduate Students: Mentorship to Gain Voices. Presented at the 40th National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology Annual Mid-Winter Conference. Long Beach, California.
Globerman, S., Paracios, D. P., Sera, H., …., & Szajner, K. (2016). Promoting Family and Community Mental Health through Pragmatic Grassroots Advocacy. Presented at the Minnesota Psychological Association Annual Convention. Plymouth, Minnesota.
Khang, M., & Sera, H. (2016). An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Fatalism, Locus of Control, and Hmong Individuals with Alcohol-Related Offenses. Presented at the International Conference on Hmong Studies. St. Paul, Minnesota.
Sera, H. (2016). Presidential Address: Mentorship as Another Competency: Reflections on Complex Trajectories of Mentoring Relationships. Presented at the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology Annual Mid-Winter Conference. Atlanta, Georgia.
Cardoso, E., de la Plata, C. D., Holland, D., Sera, H., Qualls, D., & Vega, M. (2016). Perceptions of Multicultural Competency among Psychologists Who Serve People with Disabilities. Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Dallas, Texas.
Vega, M., Sera. H., Cardoso., E., Qualls, D., & de la Plata, C. D. (2015). Perceptions of Multicultural Competency among Psychologists Who Serve People with Disabilities. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Vol 96(10), October.
Robinson, T., & Sera, H. (2002). Anger Management Based on Adlerian Conceptualization. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
Sera, H. (2001). Social Interest Assessment with Japanese and Nisei Populations. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Tucson, Arizona.
Invited Presentation
Globerman, S., & Sera, H. (2017). Critical Investigation of Unique Therapeutic Setting When Working with People Who Experience Homelessness. Presented at the UNESCO. Paris, France.
Sera, H., Brown, K. T., El-Ghorury, N. H., & Jackson, J. S. (2016). Commitment to Ethnic/Racial Diversity Competency in Education, Training and Workplace in the United States: Undergraduate, Graduate (National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology), and Organization (American Psychological Association). Presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Yokohama, Japan.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (2009). The Main Concepts of Professional Psychology Doctorate Process: Can This Be Duplicated in Japan? Presented at the Osaka City University. Osaka, Japan.
Invited Keynote
Sera, H. (1998). An Overview on Individual Psychology: How to Utilize Adler's Teaching in Non-Western Societies. Presented at the Japan Individual Psychology Annual Conference. Yokohama, Japan.
Invited Workshop
Sera, H. (1998). Principles of Individual Psychology: Western and Eastern Perspectives. Presented at the Osaka Adler Guild Association. Osaka, Japan.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1997). Influences of Multicultural Dimensions on Lifestyle and Social Interest. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1997). The Use of Adlerian Psychology with Criminal Population. Presented at the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Invited Presentation
Sera, H. (1996). Understanding the Meaning of Social Interest from a Japanese Perspective. Presented at the International Association of Individual Psychology. Oxford University. Oxford, England.