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> Aid
> Student accounts
> Payment options
There are several different payment options to use, including online, in-person, by mail, and installment plans.
To attend class, you must have a payment arrangement in place by the due date, or we may cancel your class registration. Conversely, if you cannot attend and want a 100 percent credit of tuition and fees, you must drop your courses by the drop/add deadline. If you remain registered past the add/drop deadline, you will no longer be eligible for a 100 percent credit of tuition and mandatory fees. See the withdrawal refund schedule for details about pro-rated credits of tuition and mandatory fees when you withdraw from the semester.
You may pay with a car, electronic check, 529 Plan (limited), and international wire transfer (Flywire) using TigerPay. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit cards for student account payments. There is a 2.95 percent (4.25 percent for international cards) fee for paying with a credit or debit card. There is no fee for paying with an electronic check. Visit the Morehouse portal and follow the steps below to view and pay your account balance online.
- Login to MyPortal at myportal.morehouse.edu
- Select the BannerWeb icon.
- Select Student Accounts tab.
- Select TigerPay icon.
- TigerPay will open in a new browser window.
In Person
In person payments are accepted 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Bursar’s Office in Gloster Hall, Room 200 by check, debit card, or credit card. We do not accept cash.
By Mail
Send checks or money orders payable to Morehouse College, Attn: Bursar’s Office – Rm 200 Gloster Hall, 830 Westview Drive. S.W., Atlanta, GA 30314-3773. You must include the student’s name and student ID number (M number).
Returned Payments
A $61 returned payment fee is assessed for any type of returned payment applied to your account whether paid by you or a third party.
Financial Aid
You may be eligible for financial assistance (loans, scholarships, grants) to help with your college expenses. Review the financial aid process for information about applying. Be sure to complete all your outstanding requirements by the payment due date, or be prepared to use another method to pay your balance. Any amount not covered by your financial aid award must be paid by the deadline using another approved method. Your financial aid must be ready to pay (authorized) to be considered for financial clearance.
Installment Plan
Pay the cost of tuition, fees, room and board for the semester by participating in our installment plan.
Sponsored Billing
Receive a student account payment deferral for external funds which are not administered by our Financial Aid Office. Credit is extended for reliable sources of funding from employers, foundations, universities or other organizations which are known to the College. To have your bill paid by a third party, formal billing arrangements may be required and must be set up and approved by Student Accounts before the term begins.
Military Benefits
Some Veterans may be eligible for assistance with their educational expenses. You will need to apply to the Veterans Administration and have your schedule certified by our registrar. Tuition assistance programs such as Go Army are handled through sponsored billing.
AmeriCorps Vouchers
AmeriCorps is a program that provides tuition vouchers for volunteers in service to America. To use your AmeriCorps vouchers, you must first request funds via the AmeriCorps website.