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The Program at a glance
International Studies is an interdisciplinary major designed to meet the growing demand for skills in the analysis and solution of contemporary world problems.
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A core component of the program is preparing African Americans for career opportunities and service in international affairs.
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
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The International Studies major requires four core courses, four requirement courses, and four electives.
Minor in International Studies
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The International Studies minor requires two core courses and four requirement courses.
About International Studies
International Studies is an interdisciplinary major designed to meet the growing demand for skills in the analysis and solution of contemporary world problems. A core component of the program is preparing African Americans for career opportunities and service in international affairs. The program includes pre-professional training for individuals interested in careers in national, state, and local government, business, law, and journalism, as well as careers as translators and interpreters.
International studies students have a general interest in political science and the economic, social, and cultural forces that shape our world. For this reason, our program allows students to emphasize political science, sociology, economics, humanities, or natural sciences.
Earn the Major
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
General Education (Core) — 33-48 hours
Refer to the general education requirements for more information.
Art Major — 54 hours
Core Curriculum
- HECO 201 Macroeconomics
- HPSC 285 Introduction to International Relations
- HPSC 385 Theories of International Relations
- HPSC 497 Senior Seminar in Political Science
Culture Requirement (choose one course)
- HSOC 202 Cultural Anthropology or HCOM 354 Intercultural Communication
History Requirement
- One course in African or Asian or Caribbean or European or Latin
Advanced Skills Requirement
- Two advanced courses in foreign languages or statistics
Political Studies Requirement (choose one course)
- HPSC 302 Third World Politics or
- HPSC 475 Latin American Politics or
- HPSC 477 Contemporary African Politics
International Studies Electives (choose four courses)
- SPSC 363 American Foreign Policy
- HPSC 479 Comparative Foreign Policy
- HPSC 491 Diplomacy
- HPSC 468 Seminar on International Security after the Cold War
- HPSC 488 International Political Economy
- HPSC 484 International Law
- HPSC 228 Comparative Politics
- HPSC 489 Problems of International Politics
- HPSC 487 International Organizations
- HECO 202 Microeconomics
Disciplinary Concentration
The student should take five courses in one of the following disciplinary areas:
- Business and Economics
- Humanities
- Social Science
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
It is advisable for students in the program to study abroad.
Earn the Minor
Minor in International Studies
Core (6):
- PSC 285 Introduction to International Relations
- ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
Culture Requirement (3) choose one of:
- SOC 102 Cultural Anthropology
- COM 354 Intercultural Communication
History Requirement (3) choose one of:
- HIS 232 Modern European History
- HIS 257 African History I
- HIS 258 African History II
- HIS 261 Latin American History: Colonial Period
- HIS 262 Latin American History: National Period
Foreign Policy Requirement (3) choose one of:
- PSC 479 Comparative Foreign Policy
- PSC 480 Diplomacy
- SPSC 363 American Foreign Policy (Spelman)
- SIS 314 Diplomacy and the UN System (Spelman)
- CPSC 352 American Foreign Policy (CAU)
International Requirement (3) choose one of:
- PSC 385 Theories of International Relations
- PSC 468 Seminar on International Security after the Cold War
- PSC 484 International Law
- PSC 487 International Organizations
- PSC 488 International Political Economy
- PSC 489 Problems in International Relations
MTH 130 or higher is a prerequisite for ECO 201 -
International Studies promotes skills in addressing international and global issues. Majors can assess political and sociological theories, conduct research on regional, national, and global issues, and articulate, analyze and argue issues from diverse perspectives of cultural relativity, and engage in international experiences and study abroad programs.
International Studies is an interdisciplinary major designed to meet the growing demand for skills in the analysis and solution of contemporary world problems. A core component of the program is preparing African Americans for career opportunities and service in international affairs. The program includes pre-professional training for individuals interested in careers in national, state, and local government, business, law, and journalism, as well as careers as translators and interpreters.
International studies students have a general interest in political science and the economic, social, and cultural forces that shape our world. For this reason, our program allows students to emphasize political science, sociology, economics, humanities, or natural sciences.
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
General Education (Core) — 33-48 hours
Refer to the general education requirements for more information.
Art Major — 54 hours
Core Curriculum
- HECO 201 Macroeconomics
- HPSC 285 Introduction to International Relations
- HPSC 385 Theories of International Relations
- HPSC 497 Senior Seminar in Political Science
Culture Requirement (choose one course)
- HSOC 202 Cultural Anthropology or HCOM 354 Intercultural Communication
History Requirement
- One course in African or Asian or Caribbean or European or Latin
Advanced Skills Requirement
- Two advanced courses in foreign languages or statistics
Political Studies Requirement (choose one course)
- HPSC 302 Third World Politics or
- HPSC 475 Latin American Politics or
- HPSC 477 Contemporary African Politics
International Studies Electives (choose four courses)
- SPSC 363 American Foreign Policy
- HPSC 479 Comparative Foreign Policy
- HPSC 491 Diplomacy
- HPSC 468 Seminar on International Security after the Cold War
- HPSC 488 International Political Economy
- HPSC 484 International Law
- HPSC 228 Comparative Politics
- HPSC 489 Problems of International Politics
- HPSC 487 International Organizations
- HECO 202 Microeconomics
Disciplinary Concentration
The student should take five courses in one of the following disciplinary areas:
- Business and Economics
- Humanities
- Social Science
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
It is advisable for students in the program to study abroad.
Minor in International Studies
Core (6):- PSC 285 Introduction to International Relations
- ECO 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
Culture Requirement (3) choose one of:
- SOC 102 Cultural Anthropology
- COM 354 Intercultural Communication
History Requirement (3) choose one of:
- HIS 232 Modern European History
- HIS 257 African History I
- HIS 258 African History II
- HIS 261 Latin American History: Colonial Period
- HIS 262 Latin American History: National Period
Foreign Policy Requirement (3) choose one of:
- PSC 479 Comparative Foreign Policy
- PSC 480 Diplomacy
- SPSC 363 American Foreign Policy (Spelman)
- SIS 314 Diplomacy and the UN System (Spelman)
- CPSC 352 American Foreign Policy (CAU)
International Requirement (3) choose one of:
- PSC 385 Theories of International Relations
- PSC 468 Seminar on International Security after the Cold War
- PSC 484 International Law
- PSC 487 International Organizations
- PSC 488 International Political Economy
- PSC 489 Problems in International Relations
MTH 130 or higher is a prerequisite for ECO 201

International Studies promotes skills in addressing international and global issues. Majors can assess political and sociological theories, conduct research on regional, national, and global issues, and articulate, analyze and argue issues from diverse perspectives of cultural relativity, and engage in international experiences and study abroad programs.